Optimization & Simulation
Using Snowsight: Streamlining Gurobi Powered Decision-Making in Snowflake Part Two
March 25, 2024
As a Gurobi Premier Service Partner, our expert Gurobi consulting team helps turbocharge your strategic decision-making and solve operational challenges.
Utilize our accelerators to shortcut your time to realizing value in Gurobi
Examine the overall health of your Gurobi/optimization models
12 hours of support to kickstart the use of optimization technology
Transition from high-level optimization platforms to modeling in Python
Yash, an experienced data professional with expertise in optimization, machine learning, and software development, is passionate about using data science to solve client’s challenges across various industries. Yash is a recognized Gurobi expert, a Dataiku Neuron, and a Databricks Champion.
Juan is a Senior Data Scientist with more than 10 years of experience in research and development. He brings a diverse perspective on process design and control, having experience in the public, academic, and private sectors. He is a team-driven, lifelong learner who enjoys creating computational tools to solve real manufacturing problems.
Jay has 15+ years of teaching experience as a Permanent Military Professor at the United States Naval Academy. He has an extensive background in data visualization, analysis, and modeling with Python, optimization, and discrete event simulation.