Samantha Guarneros
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Samantha Guarneros

Chief of Staff
Team member since
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Sam is Aimpoint Digital’s Chief of Staff with 8+ years of experience in growth strategy and innovation. She comes having led the entire client lifecycle from proposal development to delivery and the development of new offerings and strategies for growth. She brings a passion for innovation and strategy to identify and implement new solutions that unlock value quickly.

Prior to joining Aimpoint, Sam worked as a Senior Manager / Client Innovation Services Director for Accenture’s Houston Innovation Hub. In her role, she led a team focused on helping clients understand their top challenges and develop innovative solutions to solve them quickly. She also partnered with leadership to create new offerings and growth strategies that would support clients’ responses to a changing market. Sam earned a bachelor of arts degree in International Relations and Hispanic Studies and a Business minor from Rice University. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, cooking, reading historical fiction, and spending time outdoors (when the Houston heat is not awful) with her husband and dog.

Fun fact: Sam grew up on the border of the US and Mexico and spent significant time living on each side. So not only is she fluent in Spanish, but she truly understands good Mexican food.

Houston, TX
Internal Operations
  • BA, International Relations and Hispanic Studies, Rice University
Fun Fact
Sam grew up on the border of the US and Mexico and spent significant time living on each side.