Brent is a Principal Data Engineer with 10 years of experience across data & analytics in Retail, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Sales Operations, and Contact Center Operations. He is active in the Atlanta open source and data communities.
Prior to joining Aimpoint, Brent worked as a Data Scientist with a Data Engineering focus at Home Depot. On the Home Services data team, he built the strategy and data warehouse to serve ML models and BI/Analytics – which he presented at the March 2023 ATL dbt Meetup. Brent pioneered using modern data stack tooling for analytics and DS teams at Home Depot and created a data engineering community to drive DevOps and DataOps best practices. Before Home Depot, he worked on the Supply Chain Strategy team at Carter’s, where he drove data and process improvement projects focused on speed-to-customer for Retail and e-commerce. He started his career at Kirby Risk Service Center on the Quality Management team, where he developed a passion for Process Improvement and Lean Thinking.
Brent earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Purdue University, with a Major in Physics and a Minor in Math. In his spare time, aside from being a first-time dad, he enjoys backpacking trips, playing and watching hockey, being an Atlanta foodie with his wife, doing projects in civic tech and data for social good, and playing the cello.
BS, Physics, Purdue University